Saturday, April 21, 2012

*GASP*  Guess who's back?!  And's not Slim Shady.  I can't believe it's been eight months since I last posted a blog entry.  Wow...that's a long time.  Soooo...where have I been?  Well, I was in the midst of working my butt off (literally) when I found out that I was pregnant again.  Baby girl number FIVE arrived three weeks ago on March 29th.  My husband and I named her Gabrielle Elise.  She's one precious little girl and although she was a surprise, she's been a blessing.  I'm also just a few weeks away from being done with another semester of college.  Show of hands...who's crazy enough to enroll in college classes full-time when they're expecting...anyone?  Yeah...I'm that person.  I'm so glad I have Bryan to help me.  I'm not sure I'd  make it through Biology without him. I also wouldn't make it through getting started back at the gym without him either.

I decided to start a little early going back to the gym.  Nothing hard core of course because I'm not interested in getting blood clots and dying...just a nice light start of what I was used to doing before I was too pregnant to lift weights anymore.  I started out with a modified lower body workout which pretty much cut all of the weight I was used to doing in half.  I did the same thing for my upper body.  Eventually, I'll get back to doing heavier weights, but not until my doctor gives me the thumbs up.  Then, I'll start doing opposing muscle groups as advised by my husband...who happens to be a certified personal trainer and the most awesome support system ever.  So far since I started exercising again I've dabbled in weights, started jogging again...and by jogging I mean seriously huffing and puffing my way around a previously mapped out mile through base housing, and tonight I think I nearly killed myself with P90X cardio...p.s...Tony Horton, I hate you...just saying.  Eventually I'm sure I'll love him again...when I can make it through the entire workout without having to stop for a breather.  

Anyway, the general idea for this post was to put out there that I'm getting back into the rhythm of the gym.  I need all the support that I can get.