Interesting...Well it is to me

I'm gonna put out everything I can think of.  If you have any questions, leave me a comment and I'll add it to the list!

Things I like to do:
  • Read.  I love to read.  I especially love to read vampire novels.  Now don't go all crazy saying "oh no, she's another one of those twilight fans..."  I am a fan of the books.  The movies...not so much.  My very favorite series is by Jeaniene Frost (The Night Huntress series).  I'm nearly half way through Laurell Hamilton's series now (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter).  Vampire novels aren't the only thing I read though.  I like a little bit of anything with a great plot.  Something exciting.  I'm not about to sit down with the encyclopedia though.  
  • Be craftsy.  I don't have much time for it anymore, but I love to do small projects when I have the quiet time for it.  My grandma taught me how to crochet when I was in 5th grade and I still love to do that.  I picked up cross stitching and ornament design as well.  I love anything with beads, glitter, or sequins.  
  • Take pictures of my kids.  Who doesn't love to take pictures of their kids!  I miss my Cannon Rebel :(  It was stolen by our last movers.  Buttheads...
  • Dance terribly and sing off key.  Well yeah...I can't carry a tune to save my life, but I still love to do it!  The kids love to dance around the living room and I'll do it with them.  Or I'll dance while I'm cleaning.  Makes it much more fun.
  • Gossip.  What?  I'm a's what I do!
  • Flip through catalogs/blogs/magazines and drool over new makeup, clothes, and shoes.  I just can't help myself.
  • Experiment in the kitchen.  My husband says I'm pretty good at throwing random things together and making it taste good, lol.  
  • Spend money.  HAHA...yeah...again...I'm a's what I do!
Random things about me:
  • My favorite color is purple
  • I don't have a particular music preference.  My iPod is a mix stretched across all different genres.  I am pretty fond of the 80s though...thanks mom and Aunt Kim!
  • My favorite season is spring.  Why?  Because I get to plant flowers in the spring and watch them grow and bloom all summer.  It's beautiful.
  • Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Bryan and I get to show off in the kitchen and have a wonderful time doing it.
  • I have a number of favorite TV shows, but since my family was stationed overseas for a few years we bought a lot on dvd.  I am still fond of Numbers, CSI (before they killed off Warrick and Grissom left...), Nip/Tuck, George Lopez, My Wife and Kids, and the Food Network (pretty much any show).