BLAZE through this 5 miler on Sunday!! I ran my 5 today on the treadmill walking only 0.15 of a mile. I ran 4 miles solid without stopping. Then I walked the 0.15 of a mile (not even a full lap on a quarter mile track) and finished the rest off running again. I've cut 6 minutes off of my run time! 6 minutes!! AND the most important part of this is that I did it all without using my inhaler! BAM! Man, I feel awesome!
I do feel the need to give my iPod a little shout out though...for without it, I would have been bored to tears and checking my mileage every few seconds, lol. So thank you iPod for entertaining me for 66 minutes of running today! Woohoo! it's time to go watch a movie with Bryan...
Grats!! I'm so glad things are going smoothly for you!