I've been told recently by a few people how much they like my writing! Thank you so very much!! You guys know who you are ;). I try to keep my blog personal. It's how I like to write. I also like to share tidbits of information that I learn here and there. If I can pass on something that helps someone else, it makes me happy!
Well, I guess I should put out there that recently Bryan has been helping me keep track of my progress on this journey down the Skinny Nile, lol. He's been helping me track my measurements. So, with that said, starting from the beginning I have lost a total of 54.2 lbs (from my heaviest weight), 43 since Melody was born. 9.9 lbs of that has been recent. I've lost 3.5 inches over my body. What I like most is that things that aren't supposed to jiggle when you walk are doing it a lot less now! Yeah, I know...I'm a goof. I can't help it...no really...it's in my blood. If you've met my family you'd agree.
So, enough about me. Let's talk about the babies. Melody is finally sitting up on her own. Pushes up from her belly. She also pulls herself up on anything she can get a good grip on. I don't think I've ever seen such a happy baby. She's perfectly content to lay on the floor and play.
Natalie is advancing so well. She's reading more and more on her own. She's learning a lot of new words and she reads pretty fluently. It's exciting for both of us. I hope to pass down my love of reading to her. She seems to enjoy it already. She reads the books from her lessons to as many people as she can get to listen to her. It makes me so proud!

Kaelyn is the ornery little munchkin she's always been. Her big beautiful eyes could get her out of any kind of trouble. Right now her outfit consists of a diaper and mommy's slippers. That's it...nothing else. She loves to be naked, lol. She's starting to pick things up quickly. You can understand pretty much all of what she says now. She puts a lot of emotion into what she says as well. It's really adorable.
And now for my tip!
Tip of the day: Share your progress and success with your family and friends! They are going to be the best support system you will ever have. Having a strong support system will help keep you on the right track.
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