Thursday, January 6, 2011

And Yet Another...

Day of reform!  Day four successfully completed!  I'm still keeping my food and exercise journal.  I've mentioned before how important it is.  It helps me to stay on track.  

Today has been a nice and easy day.  Very relaxed.  I was pleasantly surprised when I hopped on the Wii Fit balance board this morning.  I normally wouldn't check my weight before my week was up, but I was nosy.  I couldn't help it.  I'm not going to to say what the result was, but I can say it was in my favor.  My hard work is paying off.  I was in a pretty peachy mood after that.  I have four more days until I actually have my weekly weigh in.  I've been putting in a lot of effort and I'm glad my numbers are going down.  Hopefully they'll go down some more before Monday.  

Oh!  THE funniest thing happened this morning.  I was cutting up part of my breakfast and the girls decided they wanted a bite. grapefruits aren't always sweet.  I warned them before I gave them each a taste.  Natalie mottled it over for a bit and decided she liked it, but Allyson made a face that looked exactly like one a baby makes after tasting a lemon for the first time.  I couldn't help but laugh.  That just sealed my morning for me.  Well...that and my friend posting another makeup post that had me wanting to run to the store.  Check her out here!  Oh, how I love my makeup.  I don't wear it often, but I still love it like Bryan loves his electronics.'s like that.  If I had more time to play around with it I know I would.  But!  Since I'm chasing around four kids and am almost always late everywhere we go...I never have time to put anything on.  For now, until my older two go to school outside of the house next year, I'll live vicariously through her.  Lol.  

The girls (Natalie, Allyson, and Kaelyn) and I had a fun coloring session this afternoon.  We all sat at the table and they played with their new Color Wonder sets.  They were a Christmas gift from my Aunt Kathy.  Of course mommy had to color too.  It was nice to sit down with them and not hear any arguing for more than an hour.  That's almost never heard of in this house!  

Did I happen to mention that Melody's up and crawling now?  No more Army style crawl and no more launching herself.  She's up and moving and wow is she speedy.  For someone with short arms and legs she sure gets around quick now that she's got it figured out.  We've got all the stairs blocked off so she's not going to fall down.  I'm gonna have to put another gate up to keep her out of the kitchen.  I wish I had one big enough to go across the hallway into the kitchen and dining room.  It would be so much easier if both were blocked off.  I'm not even sure they make them that wide.  Guess I'll be doing some research on that later...

Anyway!  I'm planning to go watch a little tv since it's quiet in the house.  Here's my food and exercise entry for today...

Breakfast- Kix (kid tested...mother approved, HA!), 1/2 lg pink grapefruit, coffee (2 TBS creamer, no sugar) (270 calories)
Snack- cheese nips, V8 (130 calories)
Lunch- ham and cheese wrap (no mayo.  had avocado on it instead) (420 calories)
Snack- mint cookies, coffee (same as breakfast coffee) (170 calories)
Dinner- spaghetti (100% whole wheat) with vodka sauce, salad (420 calories)

Total Food Calories = 1410

Bike (15 miles)  65:00 mins  400 cals burned

Total Exercise Calories = 400

Total Deficit 1/6/2011: 2,100-1,410+400 = 1,090 calories burned

Tip of the day:  Count your calories closely.  Break out your measuring cups and spoons.  Do it right!  Every calorie counts!  

P.S. If you'd like to know how I come up with the total deficit let me know.  I can explain it in better detail if you'd like!