Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reform - Day 3

Who says I can't muster up the nerve to clean my house!  HA!  Not that it was a mess, but trying to find a place for all of the girls' new toys hasn't been easy.  After my sister gets back from the Eastern Shore on Friday I'm gonna have her help me filter through their stuff, trash what's broken and donate what they don't play with anymore.  It's great to have 4 (including my niece Zoey) in the house that play with the same things.  Mel's things fit in a little rope handle bucket in the corner of the living room.  Doesn't make any mess at all.  One or two toys at a time keeps her happy and smiling.  Other than that, I've restored order to our house.  Even the laundry is getting caught up and that's not something I can normally say.  I HATE laundry.  It's the thorn in my side.  Most people already know that.  I can't stand it.  Give me a bucket and a rag to clean the floor with any day.  I'd rather be on my knees scrubbing the floor. 

Anywho...I'm finding it easier to wake up in the morning.  I grab my cup of green tea and I'm good to go!  I'm in love with my green tea.  I like that I can get it in so many different flavors.  Check out the different flavors. I've tried probably half of them.  I haven't found the mint green tea in my commissary, so I might look for it downtown.  There's only one that I don't like, but I'm not willing to write it off yet.  I think it was my fault that it tasted awful.  Leave it to me to forget to put the lid on my coffee pot so the water could drain down...HA!  The tea yesterday morning steeped for probably an extra hour before I realized I forgot to put the lid on so the tea would drain into the pot.  It was extremely bitter.  My absolute favorite is the White Mangosteen and Peach.
Woohoo!  I ran two miles today pretty much pain free.  (Shhh!!!! Don't tell my doctor).  No seriously...he'd kick my butt.  I'm supposed to be limited to biking (recumbent), the elliptical, and walking as tolerated until physical therapy can straighten me out.  He's diagnosed me with Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB).  What that basically means...from what I that my tendons are rubbing too close to my knee bones creating a lot of pain at times.  Pin point stabbing sucks.  Anyway, he compared it to tendinitis.  It flares up during extended periods of strenuous activity (i.e. running long distance).   He also told me to avoid stairs.  I laughed at him when he said that.  How can I avoid stairs when my house is 3 stories?!  I'm not sleeping in the garage!  Some things you just can't detour around.  

Bryan and I have this little challenge going on.  We've been calling it the BJ 500.  Each of us have to do a total of 250 push ups and 250 sit ups in a week, equaling to be 500.  HA!  The BJ 500!  It's not as bad as it seems.  We just randomly throughout the day drop and do 10 situps and 10 pushups and go on about our way for a while.  As long as you keep on track with doing about 35 of each a day you'll make your goal.  No biggie.  Haha...try doing it first thing in the morning before you've had anything to help open your eyes completely...doesn't work out so well.  OR...when your 2 yr old decides to walk over top of you and step on your hair in mid situp...yeah...there's nothing like ripping half of your hair out to help you focus!  UGH!  I thought I was going to cry this morning when that happened.  

So here we are at day 3 of my reform and I'm still on track.  I'm looking forward to my sister coming back Friday so Bryan and I can go do a loop at the Rosaryville State Park.  That's 10 miles of trail running.  Yeah yeah, I know...the doctor is going to eat me up about it.  Well he can just stuff it.  I'm going to do something I enjoy doing with my husband since we hardly have any time together.  Running trails is fun.'s what today looks likes...

Breakfast- oatmeal, toast, green tea (same as yesterday) (290 calories)
Snack- snack mix, V8 (130 calories)
Lunch- tomato soup, grilled cheese, caramel rice cakes, green tea (423 calories)
Snack- cheddar pringles (100 calories)
Dinner- honey mustard chicken and rice, carrots, toast (445 calories) 

Total Food = 1,388 calories

Jog (2 miles)  25:00 mins  300 cals burned

Total Exercise = 300 calories

Total Deficit 1/5/2011 = 2,100-1,338+300= 1,012

Tip of the day: Drink a cup of water before meals.  It helps you to feel full faster when you eat.  A lot of people already know this one, but many don't follow it.  It's a handy little piece of information.

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