Monday, October 4, 2010

Greensboro Run for Autism

Bryan and I participated in this run on Saturday.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day for running!  There was no humidity and it wasn't hot.  That was great for my breathing.  I did use my inhaler before the race, but I always do that.  I made it to mile 3 before I even stopped to walk.  That's a big deal for me.  normally I'll make it about a mile to a mile and a half.  Outside running on the road normally takes a pretty big toll on my breathing.  Especially if I don't have something to distract me.  I am SO thankful that iPods were allowed for this race.  I needed the distraction. 

Did I mention that the run in Greensboro was supposed to be a 10k?  It was actually a little longer.  Just a a quarter of a mile more, lol.  It turned out to be 6.5 miles.  I had never run that far before.  I did manage to finish it though.  I shaved another 30 seconds per mile off of my run time (which was awesome!) and finished in an hour and 21 minutes.  That was a little less than 12.5 minutes a mile.  I'm improving!

So anyway.  I have to share this funny moment.  Bryan and I were probably getting close to mile 4 running down the road.  *Remember, we're running the back roads of Greensboro.  It's all farmland out there.*  I just happened to look down and noticed I almost stepped on this monstrous sized spider. does NOT do spiders.  Not big ones, not medium sized ones, not small ones...not even ones you can barely see moving.  No way...nuh sir.  I freaked out and practically started dancing while I was running.  Bryan looked at me like I was nuts because he couldn't really hear me (iPod).   Even the cops thought I was crazy.  I didn't know at the time, but Bryan explained to me later that one of them was pointing at me and giving me a weird look.  I think he was trying to figure out if I was okay.  NO I'M NOT OKAY!!!  Stupid spider.  Gave me the heebie jeebies.  Eww...

At the end of the race everyone got a tshirt and a medal!  Yay!  More to add to my scrap book!  Woohoo!  I don't have a picture in my shirt yet, but I'll add it later when Bryan can take it for me.

1 comment:

  1. That's great! I especially loved the spider bit - I immediately pictured you doing your jig while all the onlookers had this puzzled look, lol. I'm so happy it went well for you both :D Hugs and stuff, K
